Friday, April 18, 2008


Well, Tuesday morning I took the folks to the airport, bid them farewell and sent them back to the land of Sunshine. Though the trip wasn't anything like I envisioned it, I am so glad they came to see us. This is the first time they have been to the BAZIOTIS home, so It meant a lot to me. Our last few days together we took some adventures by driving around the local area and saying " What's down this road?" I think I gave my Mom a heart attack a few times attempting to maneuver my SUV down some of these Italian streets, but we had fun. They will be happy to know the weather HASN'T gotten much better since they left as it is STILL RAINING! Anyway, back to the daily grind of Italy for Jason and I now.
Here are a few pics from our adventures...

Bridge off the mountain Highway

Church in Masure ( I think)

Daddy Taking pictures

Beautiful Path off the highway ( and me obstructing the view!)

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