Monday, March 31, 2008

Another day...

Well, to update, I took my college test last night (the first of four in my class) and then took my promotion test this morning. I won't find out the results 'til July or so, but at least it's DONE!! Thank God! LOL
So now I can focus on Elaine's parents coming to visit tomorrow, taking leave next week, and oh yeah... starting a new play tomorrow night. Yeahhhh, I'm a glutton for punishment, huh!

Got a new battery today for Rodney's car... my friend Rodney just got back yesterday from doing a year of Tops N' Blue (the Air Force recruitment/entertainment band that goes to every base over a year's time and puts on a free show, it's great!). His battery's been dead for awhile now, but with being TDY, then going to NCOA, then doing shows, and oh yeah, WORKING... it's still been dead. Doh... but I don't have tools to replace the battery.
Yeah, I should turn in my man-card, huh... ;-)

Well, Samson's whining at the door meaning Elaine is about to drive up, so I should help her with the groceries when she pulls up. Ciao for now!

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