Friday, September 3, 2010

Whoooosh... there went Summer!

Here it is Sept 2nd already. I can't believe how quickly summer went by. Most of me is glad, I'm not a fan of weather so hot, no one really enjoys being outside. I am hoping we will get ample use out of our yard a patio space the rest of this month before Jason takes off on his "trip"
Daniel started "School" 2 weeks ago. It's really daycare, but they do lots of educational things, art, music, etc... he goes for 2 half days a week. Which allows him interaction with other kids and me some much needed free time.

Earlier in the month, Grandma and Grandpa E. visited and we had a nice week together. We got to head down to Thanksgiving point and the beautiful gardens there. Daniel loved running around on his own and exploring... and meeting girls.

That's about it for August. Jason will be leaving this month and I will be traveling a bit this fall, so I will have lots of updates then I'm sure... here's some pics of this month...

Helping Daddy Sort through his deployment gear

First Day of School!

Thanksgiving Point Gardens

Making Friends...

Hello :)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Rainstorms and Cameras

Sunset after the storm.

I got my new camera in the mail this week. It's a Nikon D90. I love it. Now I just wish I was back in Europe again so I had something interesting to Photograph. I know it will be greatly used on my CA / OR Road trip this Fall. In the meantime I will have to find the beauty and culture in Utah...
We had a great rainstorm this weekend, took a few shots to test out the lens, etc...

Our Little Raindancer.

After the downpour...

Drying flowers in the after-storm Sun

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

SO, so behind...

I haven't posted in oh... 10 months. Sorry. We are doing well. Daniel is growing and walking and exploring everything he's not supposed to get into...
Jason is in School and only 8 classes away from his BS... then onto his Masters. He will deploying in Sept or 4 months and Daniel and I will do some traveling to see Family and Friends.
We recently changed Churches and are now at a really cool place called "The Genesis Project". Reminds me a lot of Old school Graceland, and makes me miss home a bit. :)
We haven't done any Theatre since arriving in Utah. We both miss it terribly, but know it's not really going to be part of this chapter of our life.

Here are some pics of the family and recent adventures!

8 Year Anniversary Date night!

Mother's Day

Father's Day... just realizing D wore the same shirt both times!

At Our Friend's Anna and Jeremiah's Wedding. Jason was the "Man of Honor" and I sang at the ceremony. D was with a babysitter :)