I can't believe it's almost the middle of May!!! I should be waddling around and nesting like crazy but as most of you know know by now baby wouldn't wait. In all actuality it was my fault. Here;s the whole story..
About week 32 of my pregnancy, I began to develop preeclampsia ( high blood pressure created by the pregnancy, NOTHING to do with the diabetes) they watched me for about 2 weeks with the Doc telling me that if it got worse or should begin to effect my liver and or kidneys, they would deliver Daniel. Well, I made it 2 weeks and on Tuesday April 14th I went in for a "checkup" and got sent to the hospital to be admitted for bed rest and close observation. By Friday afternoon the protien in my system had doubled and the blood pressure was effecting my liver, ot to mention I was retaining about 20 lbs of water so off to Labor and Delivery I went.
They started me on Pictocin and labor was going very well. Contractions, breathing, epidural, etc., etc. but after about 7 - 8 hours of labor, Danel started to get tired and his heart rate started to drop after each contraction so the decided that it would be better for him to deliver via c-section. So we waited another hour or so and off to surgery I went.
Jason was with me the whole time and it was surprisingly quick. Daniel Henry Emanuele ( We know he's going to hate us, bt all the names meant somethng to us) was born on Saturday April 18th at 2:18am. He weighed 4lbs and 12 oz and measued 18 inches long. Jason went with him to get cleaned off and check his vitals while I got sewn back up.
Just a few minutes old
He had some minor issues since he was so young. They put him on oxygen for about 3 days and he had some antibiotics till his heart was running solid. Then it was just up to him to get stronger and learn to eat.
I stayed in the hospital for another 4 days and was sent home. Daniel stayed in NICU for almost 3 weeks. I went back to the hospital for the last 4 days of his stay and "roomed in" with him to test run his eating ability. He came home with us May 6th.
Looking good and finally wire free!
All strapped in and ready to go!
Relaxing with Daddy on the Couch, it's good to be home!
It was a bit of a rough start for him, but we are all home and adjusting and doing well. We had our first Doctor apt today and he is doing great, eating and growing quckly ( 5lbs 7 oz today!) Life at home is adjusting, I'm learning to operate on 4 hours sleep :)
Already a Zoolander fan, practicing Magnum!
Jason has been AMAZING with taking him in the afternoons so I can get some stuff done around the house and have some time for me! Today I'll start planting all the beautiful plants I got for our front yard. I'm looking forward to getting outside in the beautiful weather.
Thank you to all our friends and family for the love support and prayers through all of this! Hope you all had a beautiful Easter and are enjoying spring!
Love, the Baz Fam!